After years of work and research, I am proud to release this feature-length documentary video — freely available online for anyone to watch.
What does the Second Amendment say — really?
Don’t fall for the revisionist fabrications that radical pro guns groups like the NRA push on you about AR-15 assault rifles, the militia, and government tyranny.
There’s one 2nd Amendment agenda that far-right lobbyists, judges, law professors, and their social media mouthpieces want you to believe in… And then, there are the FACTS. The lessons that the Constitution and the American Founding genuinely have to teach us, but that the NRA doesn’t want you to know.
The NRA has spent millions upon millions in a multi-generational effort to move the goal posts. Their project is to control what we think; to monopolize legal interpretation of the Second Amendment. Gridlock, defeatism, confusion… That’s exactly what they want.
Yet beneath the camouflage their paid operatives have erected is the firm, legal, and even fully originalist basis in the Constitution for common sense gun laws. The ones a vast majority of Americans are clamoring for.
The problem? To see through their smokescreen of the gun extremists’ flawed history, they have forced us all to become experts on the Constitution ourselves. And reliable, easily-to-understand information on the Supreme Law of the Land is often hard to find.
You Don’t Understand the Second Amendment, But You Can Learn To is an independent and freely available, feature-length documentary that offers expansive and abundant, rigorously-sourced, verifiable historical evidence from American History. It both explains the 2nd Amendment and comprehensively refutes the radical, NRA-style narrative.
It stands as an intellectually-honest, non-partisan assessment of these controversial twenty-seven words from the Constitution. Constructed directly from the works of George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Mason, and other Founding Fathers known and not-so-well-known, You Don’t Understand the Second Amendment, But You Can Learn To ultimately returns us to the centrist position on guns that these forefathers intended.
You’ll come to understand,
* Why the individual right of the people to possess and use firearms was never meant to include military-grade weapons.
* That individual ownership of AR 15s falls outside the 2nd Amendment’s protection—and how military history from the 18th and 19th Centuries makes one of the strongest cases for this yet.
* Why it’s absolutely no infringement of the Second Amendment to ban assault rifles, or deny gun rights to those who pose a danger to the public or to themselves.
* Why individuals, or ad-hoc groups of individuals, never in history were, and never legally can be, an armed check on the federal government.
* The real reasons why some Americans still clung in 1787 to the already outmoded system of a citizens’ militia, and why the country effectively abandoned it soon afterwards.
* That only a minority of a minority of those who wrote and ratified our Constitution wanted an amendment with an explicit right of the people to keep and bear arms.
* What made James Madison actually draft the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment — and how little this had to do with deeply-held, patriotic values.
“The safety and happiness of society are the objects at which all political institutions aim, and to which all such institutions must be sacrificed.” — James Madison
“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined.” — George Washington